Representing Crisis in Early Modern Literatures

A conference organised by
the Under and Tuglas Literature Centre of the Estonian Academy of Sciences
the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences

Tallinn, 21–22 September 2023


Venue: Under and Tuglas Literature Centre, Estonian Academy of Sciences
Kohtu 6, Tallinn

Call for Papers
Summary and overview of the conference in the journal Neulateinisches Jahrbuch
Photos of the conference


21 September

11:00–11:30 Initial greetings, Opening remarks
from the organizers Lucie Storchová and Kristi Viiding
from the head of Under and Tuglas Literature Centre of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, Jaan Undusk
from the Czech ambassador in Estonia, David Král

11:30–12:30 Keynote: Vladimír Urbánek (Prague)
Representations of Crisis in Chronological, Astrological and Theological Discourses: Comenius’s „Sorrowful“ and other Bohemian texts reflecting on the post-1620 developments

12:30–13:30 Lunch at the EAS

13:30–15:30 Session 1: Crisis and Early Modern Historiography
Chair: Lucie Storchová

Michael T. Lo Piano (Yale)
Narrating Crisis, Generating the Renaissance: Callimachus experiens’ De rege Vladislao and the Renaissance in Jagiellonian Poland

Péter Kasza (Szeged, Innsbruck)
Wolfgang Lazius on the Fall of the Hungarian Kingdom or Using Sallustius as a Model for Describing a Crisis

Gábor Petneházi (Budapest)
Divine Punishment and Daniel’s Dream: The language of history in Germany and Hungary in the 16th century

15:30–16:00 Coffee break

16:00–18:00 Session 2: Crisis and its Religious Contexts
Chair: Kristi Viiding

Astrid Nilsson (Lund), on-line
Living through Crisis: A new take on the lives of Johannes and Olaus Magnus

Lucie Storchová (Prague)
Decline of the machina mundi and its Discoursive Parallels: How the coming end of the world and political crisis were reflected in Bohemian literature around 1580?

Marcela Slavíková (Prague)
Denotat attoniti quid tremor iste soli? Earthquakes as Representations of Early Modern Crisis in Bohemian Literary Texts (c. 1570–1620)

Dinner, Evening program


22 September

9:00–11:00 Session 3: Crisis and Political Discources
Chair: Vladimír Urbanek

Jakub Wolak (Warsaw)
Sickness and Death of the Body Politic in the Old Polish Literature

Martina Kramarić (Zagreb)
Reflections of the Thirthy Years’ War in the Czech Literature: Case study of the first Czech translation of the Marulic’s Institutiones as the answer to the actual crisis

Mirella Saulini (Rome)
Italian Baroque Tragedies: A mirror of the crisis proposes a solution for that

11:00–11:30 Coffee break

11:30–12:50 Session 4: Crisis and Law
Chair: Raija Sarasti

Aira Võsa (Tallinn)
Proof of Nobility as a Personal and Generational Identity Crisis: An apologia against defamation by Professor Andreas Virginius of Academia Dorpatensis

Rasmus Gottschalck (Copenhagen)
The Image of Crisis in the Danish Royal Law, 1665

12:50–14:00 Lunch at the EAS

14:00–15:20 Session 5: Crisis and Poetry
Chair: Marcela Slavíková

Marta Vaculínová (Prague)
The Tablet of Cebes, the Pythagorean Y and Hercules at the Crossroads as Allegories of the Way of Human Life

Maria Łukaszewicz-Chantry (Wrocław)
Images of Crisis in Selected Poems by Maciej Kazimierz Sarbiewski

15:20–15:45 Coffee break

15:45–17:00 Session VI: Crisis in University Disputations and Speeches
Chair: Rasmus Gottschalck

Kristi Viiding (Tallinn)
Exiled Livonian Noblemen and their Literary Strategies to Reflect the Crisis

Raija Sarasti (Helsinki)
De fame. A Latin Dissertation on the Great Famines in Finland in 1695–1697

17:00–17:30 Conference closing