XIII Symposium on Baltic Literary Culture in Tartu focuses on travel literature

The presentation of Martin Klöker tells the story of the trip reports of Caspar Meyer, the Secretary of the Estonian Knighthood, from the perspective of travel literature.
On 12–13 September 2024, the XIII Baltic Literary Culture Symposium “Reisetexte aus dem Baltikum im europäischen Kontext” (homepage of the symposium) will take place in Tartu. The event focuses on the travel texts of travellers departing from the Baltics throughout the ages.
Martin Klöker, the Research Professor of the Under and Tuglas Literature Centre, will give a paper “Gesandtschaftsberichte von Caspar Meyer aus der Perspektive der Reiseliteratur (Reiseberichte)” which addresses Caspar Meyer’s – the Secretary of the Estonian Knighthood – trip reports from the perspective of travel literature.