Ilmar Tammisto`s seminar on the nobility and the state in Livonia during the Swedish era

The Tartu branch of the Estonian Academy of Sciences organised a project seminar on 18 April 2023, where historian Ilmar Tammisto spoke on the topic “The nobility and the state in Livonia during the Swedish era 1634-1680”.
In the seminar Ilmar Tammisto introduced the main conclusions of his recently defended Ph.D dissertation on the stated topic and provided an overview of findings relevant to the project. In addition to the introduction of the sources, the minutes of the Livonian district council (Landrat) and nobility convents, Tammisto discussed many significant topics concerning relations between the Livonian nobility and the central Swedish power along with its court. In particular, he explored the possible meaning of these relations as a starting point for literary practices during the reign of various kings and in the resultant creation of texts in several genres.
The Ph.D dissertation can be accessed HERE; the dissertation supervisor is Enn Küng, a member of the project`s group of references.