While the corner stone of the academies of science is and remains the production of new knowledge, a rapidly growing task of a contemporary academy is providing scientific advice. The Estonian Academy of Sciences calls for further elaboration of the options, challenges and mechanisms of advice on scientific matters in the present-day society that is oversaturated by information. To discuss these matters, the Estonian Academy of Sciences is to organise the conference:

Advisory role of academies in the information-rich society
on 22–23 October 2018 in Tallinn

  • Production of excellent science – Prof Sierd Cloetingh (President of the Academia Europea and President of COST Association; former Vice-President of European Research Council), Prof Antonio Loprieno (President of the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences and President of ALLEA – All European Academies) and Dr Katrien Maes (Deputy Secretary-General of the League of European Research Universities – LERU)
  • How to convert excellent science into advice – Dr Johannes Klumpers (Head of the Science Advice Mechanism [SAM] Unit in the European Commission), Prof Janusz Bujnicki (Member of the High Level Group of the SAM; Polish Academy of Sciences) and Prof Jorge Huete (Academy of Sciences of Nicaragua)
  • How to use excellent science advice – Dr Robert-Jan Smits (former General Director of the DG Research and Innovation – RTD at the European Commission) and Prof Marju Lauristin (former Minister in Estonia and former Member of the European Parliament)
  • Examples of best practice – representatives of Estonian universities, ministries, etc.
  • Panel discussions

The conference marks the 80th anniversary of the Estonian Academy of Sciences as well as the centenary of the Republic of Estonia.

The working language of the conference is English. For further details please refer to the programme.