Call for Papers: Conference of Women’s Literature

Have you read Reed Morn?
Women and prose fiction in Estonia at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century
Conference in Tartu on the 12th of October 2022
We all know A. H. Tammsaare but how many of us have heard of Reed Morn? There are plenty of women in Estonian literary history who were creatively active and whom we could (and even should) read today. During the interwar period, several prominent prose writers resurged such as Leida Kibuvits, Marta Sillaots, Reed Morn, Helga Pärli-Sillaots, Alma Toom, Irma Truupõld, Leida Tigane, Alide Ertel, Salme Kabur, and many others. Why are those women less visible in our cultural memory than their male counterparts?
We invite presentations on prose fiction written by women in Estonia at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century to discuss the role they played in Estonian cultural history.
More information in Estonian HERE.
The conference is organised by the University of Tartu, Estonian Literary Museum, Centre of Excellence in Estonian Studies and Under and Tuglas Literature Centre.