Meet the new senior researcher of the Literature Centre, Maria-Kristiina Lotman

We are glad to announce that in January 2025 the Under and Tuglas Literature Centre was joined by Maria-Kristiina Lotman. She works as a senior researcher for the research project “Connections, transition, change: nobilitas haereditaria ac litteraria in the emergence of early modern literature in Polish and Swedish Livonia”, focusing on analysis the Latin works of the nobility, the formal and thematic peculiarities of the poetry by nobles, as well as the dynamics of concepts found in the texts (e.g., the representation of unusual, strange, hidden, failed, or discomfort-inducing phenomena; the authorship and representations of noble-born children).
Maria-Kristiina Lotman is a classical philologist who earned her doctoral degree at the University of Tartu in 2003. Her main areas of research are versification, particularly issues related to rhythm and systems of versification as well as verse semantics, and translation studies, with a focus on the translation of polycoded texts. She is a co-editor of the international journal Studia Metrica et Poetica and has edited several collections of articles, including “Frontiers in Comparative Prosody” in the Linguistic Insights series published by Peter Lang, and a special issue of Sign Systems Studies titled “Semiotics of Verse”. She is the author of more than 100 academic publications and has translated both poetry and prose from various languages, including Latin, Greek, Russian, Italian, German, English, and Czech.